Earth Day 2019

Earth Day 2019

Every year, since 22nd April 1970 people of all over the world commemorate the Earth day, as an initiative to visualize and create consciousness about the limited resources that the world has and for taking care practices in benefit on the ecosystem.

On this day, many people participate and ask for political action, also clean rivers, plant trees or clean the cities. Some people also ask the authorities to create better environmental policies and practices. In resume, people join for taking care of the humans, the biodiversity, the sustainability of the ecosystem and all the planet.

Since the last years, every Earth Day has a different theme, this year’s theme is:

Protect Our Species

On the planet, actually coexist millions of species and there are many more waiting for been discovered. Sadly, humanity is close to break the balance of nature by consuming and destroying more than the earth and species can regenerate. This results in creating a big rate of extinction of species.

The Earth day commemoration stands for slow and reduces this rate of extinction. And create a need for protecting the future of the next generations. Since the industrial revolution, a vast number of animals and plants have gone extinct due to human interaction. Many species of plants and animals declined his number and in some cases extremely. As a result of this decrease, more species that interact with this reduced species are in danger too, affecting even the biodiversity.

The Earth Day organization has published some facts about this commemoration:

  • The number of animals living on the land has fallen by 40% since 1970.
  • Marine animal populations have also fallen by 40% overall.
  • Overall, 40 percent of the world’s 11,000 bird species are in decline.
  • Animal populations in freshwater ecosystems have plummeted by 75% since 1970.
  • Insect populations have declined by 75% in some places of the world.
  • About a quarter of the world’s coral reefs have already been damaged beyond repair, and 75 percent of the world’s coral reefs are at risk from local and global stresses.
  • It is estimated that humans have impacted 83% of Earth’s land surface, which has affected many ecosystems as well as the range in which specific species of wildlife used to exist.

Remember that the garbage that you generate in your house can reach the other side of the world. All the contributions are valid, but the most important is what each one does from their area of action.

For more information about Earth Day, click:

If you want to know more about GALAGENTS and its cruises and efforts to the environment, click below:


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