Galapagos Islands one of the best Natural Parks

by Jun 14, 2018Articles, Galapagos Information

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“El Pais”, one of the most important newspapers in Spain add Galapagos Archipelago to the list of the 25 best Natural Parks around the world, Galapagos is listed in 10th place, it is called “the best-preserved volcanic archipelago in the world”.

Top 10 off the beaten path travel destinations to visit in 2018:

Botswana – Cape Verde – Central Asia – Cuba – Hokkaido, Japan – Kimberley, Australia – Papua New Guinea – Rwanda – Svalbard – The Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands, Natural World Heritage site by UNESCO

More than 185 years after Charles Darwin visited the archipelago, the first UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site remains one of the most incredible natural attractions on the planet. There are 18 major islands (many of which remain uninhabited) and three smaller islets to explore, and each one of them offers its own unique attractions.

The flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands

The flora and fauna you’ll find in the Galapagos vary greatly from island to island: As documented in The Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin found that the animals adapted genetically to a given island’s ecosystem.


Thanks to its remote location and National Park protection, the animals there remain plentiful, and most are utterly unafraid of humans. With unique endemic species such as flightless cormorants, Galapagos penguins, Galapagos sea lions, giant tortoises, and marine iguanas, it’s a true nature lover’s paradise.

We invite you to live the best experience of your life aboard one of our Galapagos cruises. The final decision is in your hands, the Galapagos Islands await for you.

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