The evolution of the COVID-19 in the Galapagos Islands
The evolution of the COVID-19 in the Galapagos Islands
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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was identified in China in 2019. Is acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Currently, this disease is affecting millions of people in the world, not only in their health but also in their economy.
On February 29, 2020
The first case of the Coronavirus in Ecuador was detected. The highest authorities of the Galapagos National Park took exhaustive measures to prevent any contact in the province.
March 1, 2020
The Mayor of Galapagos, Norman Wray, activated the Provincial Emergency Operations Committee (COE). It established the following guidelines:
- Increased controls at ports and airports.
- Any person with COVID-19 related respiratory condition symptoms is not admitted to the islands.
- The possibility of not admitting those who -in the last 30 days- registered visits to countries that have an active outbreak of COVID-19 was analyzed.
- Intensification in control and training to manage the pandemic in Galapagos.
March 11, 2020
The Ecuadorian National Government declared the country in a health emergency against COVID-19. On March 12, authorities of the Autonomous Government of Galapagos coordinated a PROVINCIAL ACTION PLAN for the containment and mitigation in case of presenting symptoms of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Said “Plan” consists of:
- Determine the Provincial Health Units, as well as the flows of care for patients suspected of COVID-19 on boats, hotels, and tour operators.
- Rapid response teams were established to answer calls from the ECU 9-1-1 line (telemedicine care)
- Health professionals carry out home visits in case of suspicious patients.
- Promulgation of the measures imposed by the National Government: hygiene habits, avoiding crowds, and staying at home.
March 13, 2020
The following measures were implemented:
- Any person – Ecuadorian or not – from China (Hubei and Guandong provinces), Spain, France, Iran, Germany, South Korea, or Italy, who have not carried out preventive isolation, is prohibited from entering the Galapagos province. In an uninterrupted period of fourteen days, after they arrived in Ecuador.
- Traffic Control Technicians from the CGREG (Governing Council of the Special Galapagos Regime), conducted immigration interviews to have a record of the origin and permanence in Galapagos of those who wish to enter the province.
Strict measures due to COVID-19
airplane from Galapagos Islands
March 15, 2020
Stricter measures were established for the conservation of the heritage, tourists, and inhabitants of the Galapagos Islands.
- Every foreign or national person that comes from abroad, must carry out Mandatory Preventive Isolation in the continent for 14 days before entering Galapagos.
- Suspension of massive events and implementation of sanitary measures.
March 17, 2020
The Ecuadorian Government implemented a mobility restriction that was limited from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and in-person work suspension for the entire country.
March 20, 2020
By the increase in cases of coronavirus in the world. In Ecuador, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works in conjunction with the Governing Council of the Special Regime of Galapagos and the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), issued the regulation for the entry and exit of aircraft to and from the Galapagos province:
- The entry of aircraft to the Galapagos will be exclusive with a crew, cargo, and without passengers.
- Exceptionally, we can enter airplanes with medical personnel, personnel from the Armed Forces, and the National Police that comply with the protocols established by the Ministry of Health.
- The return of aircraft from the Galapagos province to the continent was carried out with the crew, cargo, and passengers, by established protocols.
- Any national or foreign person, before leaving Galapagos for continental Ecuador, must comply with the medical check-up, following the protocol established by the Ministry of Health. Once they arrive at the required airports, they will comply with the Mandatory Preventive Isolation (APO) in private homes or places of permanent stay, stories such as hotels or reception points, established in the registration and control form.
- The Decentralized Autonomous Governments of San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz, and Isabela must locate the medical control points.
March 21, 2020
The Government Minister, María Paula Romo, reported the curfew that governed the acts due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus. It runs from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in Santa Elena and the Galapagos, as well as in Guayas.
First cases on the Galapagos Islands
March 23, 2020
The president of the Galapagos Governing Council, Norman Wray, reported that the first four cases of COVID-19 were detected on the Galapagos Islands. In Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal.
- All 4 cases are stable to date.
- 1 case is native to the Islands, the remaining 3 are from by Guayaquil, due to the contact that is maintained with the mainland.
March 30, 2020
Commercial airline entry to the archipelago with 920 food kits for families in vulnerable situations. Also, other important actions were taken such as:
- Since the beginning of the health emergency, the Galapagos Governing Council has managed 7 commercial flights to evacuate more than 1,000 foreign and national tourists, who for various reasons entered the province since January of this year.
- Thanks to private-public efforts and the collaboration of the Armed Forces, 12.3 tons of gel alcohol, masks, gloves, donated by companies in the Galapagos tourism sector were transported on their logistics plane.
- A telemedicine system is also available, through a website or by dialing 02 600 7790 for the service of the province.
April 2, 2020
According to figures from the National Emergency Operations Committee, the figure in Galapagos increased to 10 people infected with the Corona Virus. In San Cristóbal (7), Isabela (1), and Santa Cruz (2).
April 8, 2020
Minister Norman Wray, District Director of the Ministry of Health, Melissa Moreano, Epidemiologist Ronald Cedeño, 6 doctors, and 2 laboratory workers moved to Isabela Island to start the timely intervention plan that allows for containment and virus mitigation to reduce the impact on the health of the inhabitants of the different islands of the archipelago.
- Taking samples from suspicious patients and in Mandatory Preventive Isolation (APO)
- Evaluation of the epidemiological fences in Isabela.
- Support of 3 general doctors from San Cristóbal for 10 days so that the doctors of the Health Center fulfill their APO.
- Sending samples to the LABGAL Laboratory in Santa Cruz for sample processing with real-time PCR and delivery of results on time.
Galapagos Laboratory (Labgal)
laboratory COVID-19
April 13, 2020
The operation of the Galapagos Laboratory (Labgal) started. Located on Santa Cruz Island, which processes COVID-19 test samples in the province. It has certification in Biosecurity II and III.
- The implementation of this laboratory has been carried out in coordination with the Galapagos Governing Council, MSP, the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Biosecurity and Quarantine for Galapagos (ABG) and the University of Las Américas (UDLA), an institution that delivered 3,000 diagnostic kits for SARS-CoV-2 and a thermal cycler.
- The Labgal has the capacity for approximately 100 daily RT-PCR tests. The UDLA and ABG researchers estimate the results of the tests carried out in a maximum of 24 hours.
April 14, 2020
The provincial Emergency Operations Committee in the Galapagos issued a statement, where it released the new numbers of COVID-19 infections in the province.
Since April 8, 2020
579 samples were realized, of which 459 have been discarded as being negative for COVID-19.
- 22 cases were confirmed in the Isabela Islands (3), Santa Cruz (13), and San Cristóbal (6).
- Also, an analysis was carried out on 69 crew members (not tourists) of the Celebrity Flora ship, of the 48 positive results of the COVID-19 test. The crew is in isolation and quarantine on board the boat from Baltra Island.
- 21 cases of the Flora crew were dismissed.
- The Galápagos municipal authorities are complying with all the protocols for monitoring and evaluating COVID-19 cases in the province.
- Mayor Norman Wray said in an interview that the authorities are ready for any move to the mainland.
- It also urged all vessels and Galapagos cruises to report at the time of any possible transmission of Coronavirus.
- On the other hand, the Celebrity Flora ship has its medical staff that controls the crew and analyzes the evolution of each one.
Until April 21, 2020
The number of infected by COVID-19 in the Galapagos Islands is 78. In Isabela Island (3), Santa Cruz (16), San Cristobal (11), and the Celebrity Flora ship cases (48).
- Concerning these confirmed cases, the Mayor’s Office reports that they are complying with all protocols to treat the disease.
- More than 100 tests are being carried out daily in the Labgal laboratory.
- On the other hand, the mayor of Galapagos is making a “Mobility protocol for the return of residents to Galapagos“, which is awaiting the approval of the National COE. To date, there are 3,591 inhabitants of the Islands in the mainland.
- The priority is also to protect the health of those who return to the archipelago and those who are currently on the Island.
- For this reason, part of the protocol is the performance of a COVID – 19 test, which, if its result is negative, the authorities will authorize entry to the Islands.
- The place where they are quarantined before returning to their homes is also being analyzed.
Time Line-COVID 19
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