The Galapagos Islands |Wildife, Location, Map & Travel Tips.
Galapagos Weather Facts
The Galapagos Islands Islands are home of more than 9000 species some of them are unique,
found only in this part of the planet.
Warm Season
Is the best time to visit the Galapagos for diving, as the sea is calmer and underwater visibility is really good.
Species Watching
Animals here can be seen year-round, with few migratory species and no need to wander off in search of waterholes or food.
Cool Season
The climate in the Galapagos is not typical of the tropics. The dryer and cooler months lend themselves more to hiking along the coast and throughout the highlands.

Weather Information
The Galapagos Islands are located within the Eastern Tropical Pacific; there are different characteristics that influence the climate.
Ocean Currents & Winds
The weather is controlled by oceanic currents that surround the islands. The interaction of four warm and cool oceanic currents creates areas of upwelling and strong surface currents.
*Southeast trade winds.
*Climate variability related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena.
Climate in the Galapagos Islands can be misleading, as the lowlands can be very dry during the warm season and the highlands of the islands can be wet during the cold season.
The Change Evolution
As the archipelago is located right along the equator, the Galapagos Islands are often mistakenly thought of as a tropical destination. Yes, the year-round temperatures are quite warm; however, the weather is not typical of the tropics.